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The Miniature Goldendoodle - Your Guide To This Awesome Dog

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The Miniature Goldendoodle - Your Guide To This Awesome Dog

Activity Level: Moderate

Adaptability: High

Grooming: Low to Moderate

Kid Friendly: Yes!

Pet Friendly: Yes!

Lifespan:11-14 years

Size: Small-Medium

Watchdog Skills: Low

Wow, those are some pretty impressive stats above aren’t they? But that’s what happens when to take two of the best dog breeds and put them together. The always-by-your-side Golden Retriever and the “hey, who you callin’ tiny” Miniature Poodle.

The Miniature Goldendoodle is one of those dogs that’s a great fit for pretty much everyone. However, their adaptability is just one of many of their fantastic features. They are excellent for young couples, big families, and for singles mingling it up in the city. If you always wanted a dog, but struggle with allergies then look no further. So find out all we can about these stellar dogs.

The Miniature Goldendoodle - Your Guide To This Awesome Dog | Innovet Pet



Looking for a hypoallergenic Miniature Goldendoodle? If so, you’ll want a second generation puppy that’s 75% Miniature Poodle and 25% Golden Retriever.


For many people, the Goldendoodle was the first time they heard the phrase “designer dog”. Rising in popularity over the past twenty years, this is a mix between the Standard Poodle and Golden Retriever, this Doodle quickly rose to immense fame for its hypoallergenic coat. However, for some the Standard Goldendoodle was a bit too big, so the logical conclusion of this was to take the Miniature Poodle and breed it with the Golden Retriever.


Some people also didn’t understand as much as we do now about making sure that you have a second generation puppy if you have allergies and this is your main reason for choosing the breed mix.

For these allergy purposes, most people probably aren’t looking for a Mini Goldendoodle whose parent is a Golden Retriever. With these dogs, we actually have two subgroups that carry the Miniature Goldendoodle name. The information below breaks the groups down and explains how to choose the right puppy for your needs.

First generation Miniature Goldendoodle: This mini doodle is an even 50/50 split between a Goldendoodle and a Miniature Poodle. They will average around 30-40 lbs and may or may not be hypoallergenic — it’s a pretty even 50/50 chance as you can guess.


Since there is no way to determine which of the parents each puppy will favor genetically, it’s a bit of a gamble to see how they will turn out.With more consecutive breedings of that younger generation, we come to the second generation Miniature Goldendoodle, which has more increased odds of being hypoallergenic. Read on. 


Second Generation Miniature Goldendoodle: This doodle is 75% poodle and 25% Retriever. They’re a cross between a Mini Poodle and a Mini Goldendoodle and will weigh around 20-30lbs. With each breeding back to the smaller poodle, the puppy size will gradually get smaller.


They likely won’t be 100% hypoallergenic, but they will be pretty darn close — close enough that most people with allergies don’t seem to have an issue. This version will likely shed less on average as well. Though, expect to pay more for one. 


As breeders get more and more clever at which dogs to breed to get more hypoallergenic puppies, they will price them accordingly and these puppies are not going to be cheap. You will always pay more for any hypoallergenic breed, or even a designer breed such as this one.

The Miniature Goldendoodle - Your Guide To This Awesome Dog | Innovet Pet



  • Friendly and Great With Kids and Other Pets
  • Outgoing and Always Happy
  • Smart and Easy to Train

If you’re looking for an easy-to-train dog, that’s low maintenance and naturally takes to people, kids, and other animals, then this is your dog.The Golden Retriever is a natural ham and loves children. They enjoy being a part of the family and they learn very quickly.


Golden Retrievers are one of the more intelligent dog breeds, which is why they are often used as service dogs, therapy dogs, seeing eye dogs, and emotional support dogs. They also work as cadaver dogs, bomb detection dogs, and so much more. The versatility of the Golden Retriever is truly amazing.


A Golden Retriever will be thrilled to go duck hunting with you and retrieve ducks, or flush birds for upland game hunting. They can learn to point and flush game birds. It’s no wonder that they are often chosen as a great dog to cross with other breeds to gain the best of intelligence with the hypoallergenic coat.


The Golden is also known for loving people and being generally kind to everyone. Rarely does a Golden Retriever behave aggressively toward anyone, or even to other animals


Now, that’s not to say they aren’t alert or can’t be watchdogs. It’s just it can require some extensive training. As well, they aren’t prone to barking. A lot of people are drawn to the Mini Goldendoodle because they are low maintenance in the training department anyway. Plus, there is the whole “miniature” part that gets in their way of being scary.

The Miniature Goldendoodle - Your Guide To This Awesome Dog | Innovet Pet



  • Suitable for most climates
  • Can live in an apartment or on a farm
  • Great for families and singles

Whether you’re in the cold, the desert, relaxing on the farm, or chilling in the city, the Miniature Goldendoodle can adapt to most environments with little trouble. They can’t handle the cold as well as their larger cousin the Standard Goldendoodle, so keep that in mind if you see harsh winters.

They crave being around people and other animals, so if you’re single and looking for a second pet, a mini doodle is a great idea. But if you plan on being away from the house a lot and can only handle one pet, you may want to look elsewhere.



  • Generally Healthy
  • Breeders will have Insight on their genetic history
  • May see less genetic illnesses

Knowing the long-term health prospects of a designer or hybrid dog can be challenging. On average purebreds see more genetic diseases than mutts. There are just more genes flowing between two different breeds that means the odds are less that a bad genetic issue will come through in the puppies.


With designer breeds, we can mix to very closely related breeds and expect to see the same genetic diseases that affect their parents. But what happens when to take two breeds that don’t see overlapping genetic diseases and mix them together like the Miniature Goldendoodle?

The answer is we aren’t 100% sure, but theory would tell us that they probably see less genetic issues on average. For example, the miniature poodle sees a lot of eye issues in their breed, but Golden Retrievers are largely unaffected by them. The hope is by combining the two breeds, we can have the Golden Retriever good eye genetics win out.This is just one example of how what we know about genetics is able to help us rid some breeds of eye problems, or possibly other issues in time.

The Miniature Goldendoodle - Your Guide To This Awesome Dog | Innovet Pet


At the same time, both the Golden Retriever and The Miniature Poodle see higher rates of hip dysplasiaThis means that there may be a higher tendency to see dogs that develop hip problems as they age. Some may have issues from birth.


In this case, breeders can continually use breeding back to healthy dogs that have been tested to be free of hip dysplasia until they eradicate it from their blood lines. This is sometimes referred to as ‘line breeding’ and it takes time and several generations of breeding history. This is why you need to find a very good, methodical breeder who takes what they do very seriously. 

In most cases, you’ll have to go to a private breeder to find a Miniature Goldendoodle. But on the plus side, reputable breeders will have an extensive knowledge on the pup’s parents and even grandparents.


Make sure that you choose a breeder who has this extensive knowledge, written records to show past breedings and the health of those litters. All quality breeders can pull files out from litters that were born ten years in the past and are senior dogs now.


This is really invaluable when you are looking to invest a lot of money into an animal that is also going to become a part of your heart and your home. Dogs have a way of becoming family members and you will want them to be with you for many, many years. You’ll also want them to be able to enjoy those years, so they need to be healthy!

Check out the table below for common genetic conditions that affect both breeds. When you’re looking for a puppy, make sure you bring up the medical conditions to the breeder.  Near the end of this article, we a few other key tips you’ll want to follow when buying a dog from a private breeder.


Breed-Related Health Problems

Golden Retriever

  • Hip Dysplasia
  • Epilepsy
  • Skin Conditions
  • Cancer (highest rate of any breed)
  • Cataracts
  • Ear Infections
  • Thyroid Issues

Miniature Poodle

  • Hip Dysplasia
  • Eye Disease (PRA, cataracts, etc.)
  • Epilepsy
  • Luxating Patella (loose knees)
  • Thyroid Issues

Caring For Your Goldendoodle

There are two big genetic medical conditions that both the Golden Retriever and Poodle have in common: mobility issues and epilepsy. Let’s explore both issues and see what we can do to keep our Goldendoodle happy and healthy.


If your dog is prone to genetic epilepsy, they will likely see their first seizure before they turn two years old. There is no cure, but for 70% of epileptic dogs, conventional antiepileptics are successful in managing their seizures.  

But that’s leaves 30% of epileptic dogs bare to force the blunt of uncontrolled seizures. These drug-resistant forms of epilepsy affect people as well, but fortunately, both us and our dogs no longer have to fight them alone.

You’ve probably heard about CBD products at this point? They’re being used to help dogs with many medical conditions and illnesses. The one area they are helping out the most with is epilepsy. In fact, their ability to reduce seizures in forms of epilepsy that are resistant to basically everything else is what put CBD on the map.

At Innovet, we offer a vast range of CBD products from savory and delicious CBD treats to CBD tinctures for dogs that need precise dosages.

The Miniature Goldendoodle - Your Guide To This Awesome Dog | Innovet Pet

Hip, Joint, and Other Mobility Issues

Hip dysplasia is commonly seen in medium to large breeds due to their size and rapid growth when young — though hips issues often don’t start until they’ve reached their senior years.  The Miniature Poodle is one of the few small breeds that sees higher rates of hip dysplasia similar to medium size breeds like the Golden Retriever.

Since both the Golden Retriever and the Miniature Poodle are both breeds prone to hip dysplasia, the Miniature Goldendoodle is as well. If you see mobility issues or want to give them extra hip & joint support in their older years, consider giving them Advanced Mobility Support.

Advance Mobility Support delivers a number of all-natural ingredients packed with anti-inflammatories, analgesics, and beneficial properties for hip & joint support. Most importantly it contains glucosamine, which dogs naturally produce to build and repair cartilage the protects the joints. Senior dogs struggle to get all the glucosamine in their diet alone, making it an essential supplement in many people’s eyes.   


The biggest factor in what your Goldendoodle will look like is whether they are first or second generation. First generations (Golden Retriever + Mini Poodle) doodles will have large discrepancies due to the parents looking fairly different. First generations or F1s can be stocky, large, have long straight hair, and blocky heads.

The more popular second generation (Mini Goldendoodle + Mini Poodle) have fewer variations and favor the Poodle side more. This gives second gen or F1-B doodles a more slender and smaller appearance with a loose and shorter curly coat. As well, their muzzle gets pretty fluffy giving them a luxurious beard.

Let’s be honest, these dogs look like stuff toys brought to life, and it’s simply wonderful. Their coat plays into this image, but it’s their sharp black button eyes that really give them a strikingly cute appearance.

Unlike other designer breeds, there isn’t a wide selection of coat colors found among these dogs. The Mini Goldendoodle’s coat comes in white, blonde, or most common gold/amber.


While you are unlikely to see your Miniature Goldendoodle shed a lot, they do require moderate grooming due to their long curly coats. The more Golden Retriever it has, the more your doodle with shed as well their coat will be longer on average.

If you’re looking for a mostly hypoallergenic Mini Goldendoodle, make sure to find one that’s a second generation or on. This means they are at least 75% Poodle as Golden Retrievers are not hypoallergenic in any way.


Activity Level

They have a decent amount of energy, but thanks to their small size it doesn’t take much exercise to fulfill their daily activity requirement. 20-30 minutes of moderate exercise a day is usually all that’s needed. You can easily do that ball throwing a ball around in your house.

The bigger they are, the more strenuous exercise they will require. However, if that’s something you’re looking for, consider a Standard Goldendoodle as their bigger size makes them great for runs, hiking, etc.


Since they have the word “miniature’ in their name, you can guess that they are going to be on the smaller side, but how much so?

The Miniature Goldendoodle - Your Guide To This Awesome Dog | Innovet Pet

The Miniature Goldendoodle, depending on its generation, will hover around 20-30lbs. This might seem big to some, and it is when comparing them to other small breeds. But, with the Standard Poodle’s ability to hit almost twice that size, it makes sense.

If you want a better guess as to how big your Goldendoodle puppy is going to get use, a puppy grow chart can help you no matter their age.




First Generation

15-21 in

30-40 lbs

Second, Third, etc. Gen

13-18 in

15-30 lbs


Like other traits and characteristics involving these dogs, their lifespan will vary depending on what generation of MIniature Goldendoodle they are. The Poodle lives 2-3 years longer than the Golden Retriever — 11-15 years vs. 10-12 years respectively.

You can expect your Miniature Goldendoodle to live between 11-14 years accordingly.

Private Breeder Tips and Concerns

First, it’s not impossible to find a Miniature Goldendoodle that needs rescuing. If you’re looking to rescue, we recommend checking out Golden Retriever and Poodle rescues as doodle mixes pop up every so often there. While, you may not get background on the pup’s parents, you’ll end up saving a lot of money and rescue a dog in need.

When buying from a breeder, expect to pay anywhere between $1000-1,500 for a Miniature Goldendoodle. Second generation pups will cost more than first generations due to the likelihood that they are hypoallergenic where first generations are a random 50/50 chance.

Tips When Buying From a Private Breeder

  • Meet on-site and meet the parents: Puppy Mills are a problem that runs rampant in the private breeding world. They are pretty easy to avoid, however. You want to meet the private breeder where they are keeping the puppies, usually, it’s their house. As well, expect to meet one if not both parents.

  • Pay attention: It’s easy to get caught up on the puppies, but don’t forget to see how the breeders are interacting with them and the puppies’ parents. This also means spending some time with the parents as they are a good indication of the characteristics the puppies will have.

Final Thoughts

They’re cute, loyal, fun, outgoing and any household is fortunate to be graced with these dogs’ presence. They make great companions for almost every walk of life and a complete joy to be around.

If you’re looking for a low-maintenance and easy-to-train dog with a personality that is ten times larger than their size, look no further because the Miniature Goldendoodle is for you.



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