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The Importance of USDA Certification for CBD Products

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The Importance of USDA Certification for CBD Products

Are you a pet owner looking for the best way to keep your furry friend in optimum health? Many of us do our best when it comes to providing nutritious meals, regular exercise, and consistent visits to the veterinarian; however, when it comes to food and treat options, there is one label that stands out from the rest: USDA Organic. Knowing which foods or treats support health is critically important for maintaining healthy pets, and USDA Organic certification offers both assurance and confidence that you are indeed selecting only quality products for your beloved companion, when looking for hemp-based items. Keep reading on to find out why choosing USDA-approved CBD can bring so much benefit!

What is USDA Organic?

What is the USDA?

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is a government entity responsible for determining and setting national policies related to food and agriculture. The USDA works to ensure the safety of the food supply and works with farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural producers to support their success by promoting products both domestically and internationally. It also assists those in need by providing access to healthy, affordable food through various nutrition assistance programs.

Why is the USDA Organic Approval so Important?

The USDA sets strict protocols for products that seek certification to guarantee that the quality and health measures are adhered to. This highly respected certification ensures that those products meet the standards of excellence by the USDA – particularly regarding food items. Along with labeling requirements, manufacturers, producers, and packagers must pass all regulatory inspections and are routinely monitored, providing consumers peace of mind when purchasing certified USDA items. Through this process, consumers can be confident that they are receiving a product that is safe, wholesome, and true to its labeling claims.

Companies that use non-natural ingredients in their products cannot receive this certification and must adequately label their products accordingly. Those who receive the certification must renew it with new inspections every year. The USDA-certified organic seal comforts consumers knowing an independent, rigorous third party recognizes the commitment made by farmers producing organic food.

How Can a Product Receive the Certificate?

Obtaining a certification of organic status approved by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) requires completing an application through a certified agent. The certifier will then request information regarding any substances used on the land in the past three years, as well as a completed Organic System Plan that outlines how exactly the farming operation is being run. Afterward, an inspector will verify that the plan is correct and matches what is happening physically at the farm.

How do I get USDA Organic Certification

Obtaining a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) organic certificate requires a rigorous process. Before the inspector arrives, farms must have put measures in place to maintain organic integrity. These steps include setting up buffer zones between neighboring farms, establishing appropriate pet management systems, and confirming soil fertility is ideal for producing organic crops. Furthermore, once on site, the inspector will visit each field and ask questions about production methods and practices. They'll evaluate storage and preparation areas to ensure all relevant standards are being maintained.

The process continues with an inspector visiting the farm to examine the documentation of farming practices like audit invoices, material applications, organic sales, harvest, and other records. Although the inspector can clarify specific rules and regulations during their visit, they are not allowed to advise as this could compromise the “independent third party” nature of the certificate awarded. This means farmers have to be sure to be fully versed in all relevant regulations if they want to qualify for organic certification from the USDA.

During the inspection, inspectors will search for any contact with prohibited substances and, if necessary, collect samples for residue testing to make sure all regulations are followed. During an exit interview at the end of the inspection, the inspector reviews all concern areas and submits a report to the certifier who reviews it alongside the Organic System Plan. If there are no issues with the operation and everything meets the regulatory requirements, then they will proceed to issue an organic certificate, signifying that their product is USDA certified organic.

Can CBD Oils Receive the USDA Organic Certificate?

Yes! The USDA organic approval is essential for products like CBD oil. It guarantees that the product has been grown and produced according to strict standards, without using synthetic chemicals or other potentially harmful substances. This makes it a safer and more trustworthy choice for consumers, who can be assured that they are getting a quality product. If you're looking for CBD oil for your pet, we can't recommend PurCBD Oil enough.  It has non-GMO hemp that has been grown without the use of pesticides. This means that you can trust PurCBD Oil to be a safe and reliable source of CBD oil for your pet.  Furthermore, we went gone one step further and achieved the USDA Organic Certification, so you can be sure that their CBD oil has been produced using only the highest quality organic ingredients.

Can CBD Get USA Organic Certification

The Potential Benefits of CBD Oil

CBD oil for pets is an increasingly popular natural supplement that may help with common pet ailments such as anxiety, inflammation, pain, and even seizures. The active ingredients, cannabinoids, come from the hemp plant and interact with receptors in the endocannabinoid system of mammals - including cats and dogs. CBD oil influences the production of bodily hormones that regulate appetite, mood, sleep cycles, and pain management, resulting in a range of potential health benefits. Research suggests that CBD may have anti-inflammatory properties which may help reduce inflammation associated with joint pain and arthritis; it may also act as an anticonvulsant to help control epileptic episodes. Additionally, research shows it may have anti-anxiety benefits as well, thereby encouraging calm and reducing stress behaviors. CBD oil may be an effective tool against various health issues plaguing our beloved pets.

A Successful Story with CBD Oil

Bolita was a stray dog begging for scraps in Mexico when Madeline and her boyfriend found her. They loved her immediately and decided to adopt and care for her, bringing her home. Not much later they noticed she was limping, and after taking her to the vet, Bolita was diagnosed with chronic pain. At first, they tried giving her prescription pain medication, but they were not only expensive, but they also turned Bolita into a "zombie", who had no energy to play anymore.

That was when Madeline stumbled upon CBD, a natural option for caring for her beloved pup. Madeline had questions about it, of course, but we at Innovet Pet were thrilled to help her! Bolita started with the PurCBD Oil, and we couldn't be happier with the results. "Since we started using the CBD, we noticed a really dramatic change in Bolita. Her energy levels back up, she wants to play, she takes long walks, and she's acting like a puppy again", says Madeline.

Take a look at Bolita's story, and see how CBD helped her overcome chronic pain.

Want to know more stories like Bolita's and Madeline's, and discover how Innovet Pet has changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of pets worldwide? Click here and learn more!

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