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Pomsky Dog 101 - Everything You Need to Know

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Pomsky Dog 101 - Everything You Need to Know

It’s so FLUFFY! Introducing the Pomsky a mix between the athletic Siberian Husky and the adorable Pomeranian.

The Pomsky is known for their playful antics, their cheery personalities, their cute appearance, and a little bit for their stubbornness. Hey, both the husky and the pom share the desire to always be the center of attention.

They’re both smart breeds as well. Don’t be totally shocked when they outsmart you time and time again, eventually training you.

The Pomsky is a highly sought designer breed though they haven’t been around for long and there is some controversy. Despite that, as more people come to find out about them, their popularity is spiking through the roof.

And it’s easy to see why as they look like permanent Siberian Husky puppies with a unique mystical look about them with their big eyes and ears. The Klee Kai is a similar breed and thus the controversy.


Article Overview:

  • The Origins of The Pomsky Mix: The Parents
    • The Siberian Husky
    • The Pomeranian
  • The Appearance of The Pomsky
    • The Pomsky Coat
  • The temperament of The Pom-Husky Mix
  • The Statistical Lowdown On The Pomsky
  • Health
  • Diet and Other Nutritional Needs
    • CBD
  • Taking Care of a Pomsky: Maintenance
    • Exercise
    • Grooming
  • Rescuing
  • Final Words And Is A Pomsky Right For You

The Origins of The Pomsky Mix: The Parents

Unlike other designer breeds, there is a bit of controversy about the Pomsky. And it's pretty easy to guess what it is. The Siberian Husky comes in around 2ft tall and 50lbs, the Pomeranian, on the other hand, is only 3-7 lbs and this about the same number in inches (4’’ to 7’’). So how the @%*! is this happening?

Don’t worry it’s not what you’re thinking. The Husky and the PPomsky Dog 101 - Everything You Need to Know | Innovet Petomeranian aren't bred together in the traditional way. Instead, the parents of the Pomsky are brought together through modern technology — artificially inseminated.

AI is typically done by very experienced breeders, with the help of a veterinary staff. Typically, the male has semen that is collected and then the female is brought to the clinic where she is inseminated with the sperm of the proud, though completely in the dark, father.


When you have two vastly different breeds — though not as much as one would think — you’re gonna want to know all you can about both breeds. A Pomsky can look and act very much like a Siberian Husky.

Then there are ones that look just like a Pomeranian. So it’s best to learn about both the Siberian Husky and The Pomeranian. It’s so important that you’re comfortable having either dog because you never know which traits your Pomsky with have.

You could have a dog that looks like one and totally acts like the other. You could also end-up with one that looks and acts like a purebred Husky. You simply don’t know on first generation mixes.


The Siberian Husky

Athletic, intelligent, and a little suborn, the Siberian Husky is a medium-size breed that originated out of Asia. They have thick double coats (under and outer) and are known for their eye-catching sleek and sharp appearance.

They are perhaps best known however for their icy blue eyes and use as a sled dog. Though today most sled dogs are not Siberian Huskies.

Huskies can be one of the best dogs to get, and they can be one of the worst. These guys are super smart and full of energy, and this equals a dog that needs near constant stimulation, or they will get in trouble. They use their brains and brawns to find any place they can escape whether that’s jumping over the fence or digging underneath it.


These dogs are also very talkative. You can find videos on the internet by the hundreds, from owners of Husky dogs that are talking and howling, singing along with their masters and a guitar, or even playing along with a piano.


A Husky will have you laughing in hysterics for more than 50% of the time. This is guaranteed. They can be a real hard dog for someone who has never had a dog before, so be sure that you are up to the challenge and don’t be afraid to reach out to the breeder or a trainer for help from time to time.

However, if you’re a high-energy person yourself, then the husky is a fantastic dog that will quickly take to training and will grace your house with loyalty and a goofy personality.


If you love to hike or run, then a Husky will make a great companion for you. If you enjoy having conversations with a dog that will likely try to talk back to you, then you’ll also love this goofy breed.


The Pomeranian

The literal definition of a fluff nugget, the spazzy and adorkable Pomeranian originates from Central Europe known as the Pomerania region. LIke the husky, the pom is a dog that will take charge if you don’t first.

They have a big brain for such a tiny body, and they need a fair amount of stimulation too to keep away bad habits. Unlike the husky that rarely makes a peep and don’t make great guard dog, Poms are known for their defensive territorial behavior that involves a lot of barking.

Thankfully, they are fast learners and aren’t as defiant as the Siberian Husky — it seems even the most highly trained huskies still love mouthing off. A well trained Pom is a great dog well suited for both single people and families.


Pomeranians are great lap dogs and will enjoy being spoiled and snuggling with you. They adore a sofa with a blanket that they can burrow into but then again, so does the Husky. The Pomsky just needs as smaller blanket.


Pomsky Dog 101 - Everything You Need to Know | Innovet Pet

The Appearance of The Pomsky

When it comes appearances, you’ll notice that the Siberian Husky and the Pomeranian don’t look much alike. This becomes even more apparent when you see how diverse their puppies can look. This happens with all designer breeds, but more so with the Pomsky.

This happens because they haven’t been around for a long time i.e., most Pomsky puppies are a result of artificial insemination between a purebred Siberian Husky and a purebred Pomeranian — and not the pairing of two Pomskies. That means that nearly 100% of Pomskies are first generation designer breeds.

To narrow down all the variations that come from this, the Pomsky will need to go through multiple generations before it can be a unique breed and not a hybrid.This could take twenty or more years. Many breeds go through multiple changes before the become recognized by organizations such as the American Kennel Club (AKC).

In most cases, they take on the Siberian Husky’s obsidian and ivory marbling coat which includes the mask. They also have large ears which makes them look like they belong in a mythical forest somewhere.


The Husky can come in many coat variations, which means that there are several different colors and patterns that could be the end-result of a Pomsky breeding. You could have all black pups, agouti coloration, silver, or even white puppies. You may also have the Pomeranian red.


The Pomsky Coat

Be prepared to brush and groom a good bit if you’re planning on getting a Pomsky. Their coats are wonderfully soft and thick, but they tend to shed a lot especially if you’re in a hotter climate.


They also have some very long hairs on their tail, which you’ll find floating through the air on a warm summer day. They will shed year-round and brushing them daily will help keep your sofa a bit cleaner.


They with have a double coat that consist of an undercoat which helps insulate dog breeds suited to cold climates. While, the pomsky prefers the cold, they do fine in warmer climates. We have a great article with tips for keeping your dog safe in the summer.


The temperament of The Pomeranian Husky Mix

Everyone who has a Pomsky says it; they want to be the center of attention. They use their big brains and goofy personalities to trick us into falling head over heels.

This small dog looks like it is smiling all the time, perhaps thinking of how it is going to con us into sharing our supper or get us to buy them some ice cream?

They also have a unique vocabulary of sounds and aren’t afraid to use it. They may howl, Wookie chatter, yip, yap, bark, and scream. You need to be on their butts about barking because they can quickly turn the neighborhood against you.

If you find that barking is getting out of control, try using a water bottle and spraying them as you correct them. When they are quiet, give them praise, perhaps a treat sometimes too. Keep rewards random and only for when they are quiet and you’ll find that they repeat the desired behavior more often than not.

They also require a lot of socialization. The Siberian Husky is a pack animal, and the Pomeranian is terrible at entertaining themselves. The husky is great at entertaining themselves though and really enjoy the trash, the wallpaper, your bed, and on. In other words, don’t let them get bored because you will not like the ideas for entertainment that they come up with on their own.

Social and separation anxiety is commonly seen when not adequately socialized at a young age. This can make them more vocal, with howling that will make the neighbors crazy, especially in apartment buildings.


Like we saw with their appearance, the Pomsky’s temperament can really vary from individual dogs. If you’re looking for a dog with certain behaviors, you may want to stick clear of the Pomsky until a breed standard is reached through generations of breeding.


They are still too new to really have a very set personality that is across the board standard. If you don’t mind having whatever personality they may have, then by all means, go for it.


The Statistical Lowdown on the Pomsky

Since there isn’t a breed standard set in place for the Pomsky, there are a number of variations that can happen. We included stats on their parents as well, so you can better guess what your Pomsky will end up being/looking like.


  • Pomsky: (12-16 Years)
  • Siberian Husky: (12-15 yrs)
  • Pomeranian: (12-16 yrs)


  • Pomsky: 10-35 lbs
  • Siberian Husky: 35-60 lbs
  • Pomeranian: 5-8 lbs


  • Pomsky: 10-15 inches
  • Siberian Husky: 20-24 inches
  • Pomeranian: 4- 7 Inches


  • Pomsky: Dense, Undercoat, May shed heavily
  • Siberian Husky: Thick, Undercoat, Sheds all year round
  • Pomeranian: Long, Thick, Sheds a fair amount


  • Pomsky: White w/ Black, Grey, Reddish-Brown
  • Siberian Husky: White w/ Black, Grey, Red, Silver, Brown
  • Pomeranian: White, Black, Grey, Tan, Orange  
  • Temperament

    • Pomsky: Intelligent, Sociable, High-Energy, Friendly  
    • Siberian Husky: Intelligent, Outgoing, Energic, Loyal, Gental
    • Pomeranian: Extroverted, Intelligent, Playful, Sociable, Active

    Health Concerns

    Thanks to the Pom’s small dog lifespan and the Huskies; rare big dog lifespan, the Pomsky is graced with a long life (12-16 yrs). They do have a fairly big list of medical conditions they are genetically predisposed to. So make sure to keep an eye out.

    • Allergies
    • Collapsing trachea
    • Dental Issues
    • Dislocated knees
    • Epilepsy
    • Eye problems
    • Heart disease
    • Hip dysplasia
    • Skin problems


    Diet and Other Nutritional Needs

    Because the Pomsky sees a lot of variations in weight, it’s impossible for us to say how much you should feed them. Check out this growth chart that will help you keep track along the way and better guess their end weight. As well, we recommend that you consult your veterinarian to help out with their nutritional needs.

    Regardless they will likely require more food than other dogs around their size due to their energetic nature. They rarely hit medium dog status and stay small. This means that even though they may get a little crazy from time to time, they won’t likely destroy your house in quite the way a bored Husky can.



    Looking for a way to keep your Pomsky in tip-top shape with a happy and fulfilled life? Consider supplementing CBD in their health regime. CBD is an all-natural product that has been helping pets with issues from epilepsy to anxiety.

    CBD has taken over the world of alternative medicine, and every day there is exciting news about the ways it’s helping pets. The thing we like most about CBD is how it can help the Pomsky with their specific issues.

    If your Pomsky is having issues with anxiety or epilepsy, we recommend CBD oil such as PurCBD+. CBD oil is also fantastic for general health and regulation as it helps reign in issues before they have the chance to start causing problems. All-natural and organic!

    Hemp Protect Balm - 250mg Hemp Extract

    Poor hip & joint mobility and allergies are two other conditions commonly seen in this breed, and here’s where a CBD topical like heal.protect.wag Balm can be a big help. Topicals allow CBD direct access to the source of the issues and nowhere else.

    o the source of the issues and nowhere else.

    Some people even find that using a topical in conjunction with an oral dose gives more long-lasting relief for conditions that are causing a great deal of discomfort for the dog.

    Since CBD is safe for dogs, and you really can’t overdose on it, you can use it as you see fit to help your dog feel well. If you notice any diarrhea happen, this is a minor side effect that typically subsides. Simply reduce the amount given for a few days and then resume. You should see that it goes away.

    Taking Care of a Pomsky: Maintenance

    If things go right and they often do, the Pomsky can be an easier dog to handle compared to its parents the Siberian Husky and Pomeranian. They often don’t require the living space and backyard size that huskies need for running and getting out their energy.

    As well, they are a little less inclined to bark compared to the Pom. You won’t likely hear howling as you might from the Husky parent either. In general, they just tend to be easier to have with neighbors closeby.

    The Pomsky’s Exercise Needs

    A Pomsky is a great idea when you want a Siberian Husky but can’t handle their requirements. It’s hard to keep a Husky in a small apartment in the city fulfilled and healthy. In fact, it may even be unfair to the Husky unless you are going to commit to running with him each day or getting him to a dog park for play time. He won’t thrive in an apartment lifestyle at all. 

    A Pomsky, on the other hand, is well-suited to living in a small city apartment. However, you want to make sure they are getting in their exercise. A trip to the dog park once a week and daily walks around town will go a long way toward keeping this little guy happy though. Just remember that he needs to run a little each day. Walks aren’t really enough for most breeds of dogs.



    On the bright side of things, a Pomsky is typically much smaller than a Siberian Husky, and that means less size for fur. That’s about where this train stops — all aboard Sheddingvile. A Pomsky has big grooming demands, and you may want to consider taking them the groomer if you don’t feel like brushing them throughout all times of the year.

    If you do decide to take on the depths of their coats, then we recommend a brush designed to remove the undercoat like the Furminator. We recommend a vacuum cleaner as well unless you want to drown in fluff. We are kidding of course, but it can get pretty bad.

    Make sure to give them a bath once to twice a month which will help cut down on the brushing sessions. They will likely need more frequent bathing compared to a short-hair dog, but make sure to monitor that the baths aren’t drying out their skin. Consider choosing a shampoo Like Biopel designed to reduce bath frequency while offering ingredients that soothe and moisturize the skin.


    Rescue or Private Breeder?

    You might think a breeder is the only way you can find a Pomsky, but this couldn’t be farther from the truth. We recommend that you check out breed specific rescue groups to better your chances. Rescuing a Pomsky is a great way to help out a dog in desperately in need, and it can save you a lot of money. How much money you ask . . . take a seat!!!

    Because a Pomsky is a desirable designer dog that combines two highly sought out breeds and bred through artificial insemination, they can cost $1,000 to $5,000 when buying from a private breeder.

    If you choose to go for a breeder, one thing you’ll want to look for is to make sure the mother is a Husky. It’s incredibly unsafe to allow a female Pomeranian carry puppies that could be the size of a normal husky pup.

    This brings up another thing to keep in mind when choosing to rescue or buy from a private breeder. If you can’t afford to have a medium size dog in your apartment, then consider rescuing an older Pomsky that’s largely finished growing. Even if you pick the smallest pup of the litter, they can have a major growth spurt at any time.


    Final Words & Is A Pomsky Right For Me Checklist

    By far, the Pomsky is one of the most unique dog breeds to date. As we saw with care and maintenance, the Pomsky is a great in between and eliminates some of the undesirable traits seen in both Siberian Huskies and Pomeranians. Despite a bit of controversy and not a long history, most Pomskies enjoy long and happy lives. So is a Pomsky right for you? Check out our chart below to find out.


    Low, Medium, or High

    Social Needs:


    Training Demand:

    Medium to High

    Exercise Needs:

    Medium to High



    Space Needs:

    Low to Medium

    Need For Colder Temperatures:

    Medium to High




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    1 comment
    • Cortney

      The problem I am have is with my dog is he does not like to be away from me. He cry’s and barks alot….

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