Surely during some point, you’ve gotten a scrape or cut and treated your injury with Neosporin and a band-aid. Neosporin tends to be a sort of cure-all for abrasions; therefore, it’d make sense that we would be able to use it on our dog, as well, right?
Can you put Neosporin on dogs? Unfortunately, Neosporin doesn’t offer pup’s the same benefit that it offers human beings. Maybe rather than asking am I able to put Neosporin on my pet, we ought to be asking should I apply Neosporin on my pet? Here in this post Innovet Pet Products answers the question, “can I put Neosporin on my dog,” and more!
Can You Put Neosporin On A Dog: What Is Neosporin Made Of?
Dog Neosporin comprises of bacitracin, polysporin, as well as neomycin, which are 3 different kinds of antibiotics utilized to treat infection. Each of those 3 active ingredients is usually utilized as topical solutions and are all used to defend against, as well as help certain kinds of bacteria.
Is It Actually Safe to Put Neosporin On A Dog?

Can I put Neosporin on my dogs cut? While Neosporin is clinically safe for your pet’s skin, it is possibly harmful if it’s ingested by mouth. Neosporin’s active ingredients are especially designed for human use and may be toxic if consumed, particularly if your pet ingests it.
Dogs and Neosporin: What to do if your Dog Accidentally Ingests Neosporin
Is Neosporin bad for dogs? Unless your pup consumed a massive quantity of Neosporin, there is not cause for concern. Observe the dog for symptoms of gastrointestinal distress such as canine diarrhea or vomiting, and if symptoms such as dog seizures or violent shaking start, immediately contact the vet.
Can I Use Neosporin On My Dog Paws, Ears, And Eyes?
For example, what if you notice a bit of green mucus collecting in the corner of your pet’s eye, the telling indication of an eye infection? First, reach for saline solution and cotton ball, and not the Neosporin. Most canine eye infections are caused by irritants which become trapped inside the corner of their eye or underneath an eyelid. In canines, medicated cream may be both an allergen and an irritant; using it may make the dog’s eyes worse. Don’t use the topical antibiotic on or in your pet’s eyes unless you have the veterinarian’s approval!
Dog ear infections typically are caused by environmental allergens — like parasite bites or plant sensitivity — too much hair inside a canine’s ear canal, or trapped water. You must treat all underlying causes before you attempt to deal with any secondary infection or bruising which develops as a result. How will you clean the dog’s ears? Innovet Pet Products has great advice about how to clean a dogs’ ears, which does not involve any complicated human medicine.
Comprised of adipose, keratin, and collagen, the paw pads on the bottom of the dog’s feet aren’t like the skin on the remainder of their body. Like a canine’s ears, if there is an injury or wound, you will have to find out if it has an outside cause, like a splinter, before slathering on the salve. As dog tongues often will be in contact with any problematic spaces they’re able to reach, even a thin application of Neosporin will include a multi-step process, which includes regular bandaging and washing.
Triple Antibiotic Ophthalmic Preparations for Cats and Dogs
- Combination antibiotic ophthalmic drugs, A.K.A ®, TriOptic-P®, Vetropolycin®, or Neosporin®, often are utilized in the prevention and treatment of eye bacterial infections. When one or two additional antibacterial solutions are combined, the mix has broader antibacterial activities and more potency. Most of the solutions included in those combination products aren’t as efficient while used alone for eye infections.
- Instances of combination products involve polymyxin-bacitracin, polymyxin-neomycin-gramicidin, and polymyxin-bacitracin-neomycin.
- Neomycin sulfate is bactericidal for some gram-negative and many gram-positive bacteria.
- Bacitracin zinc has its highest activity against gram-positive solutions.
- Polymyxin B is bactericidal for a few gram-negative bacteria.
- Gramicidin D is a mix of 3 pairs of antibacterial substances (gramicidin C, B, A), as well as has antibacterial activity against gram-positive solutions.
- Combination products might be utilized in the treatment of various infections, which includes E. coli, streptococcal, and staphylococcal bacteria.
- Triple antibiotic drugs all are prescription drugs and only can be obtained from a vet or by prescription from a vet.
Brand Names or Additional Names of Antibiotic Eye Medicine
- These drugs are registered for usage in animals and humans.
- Human formulations: AK-Poly-Bac® and AK-Spore®, Polymycin®, Neosporin®, B-P and B-N-P ointments and a variety of generic preparations
- Veterinary formulations: Vetropolycin®, Mycitracin®, Neobacimyx®, Trioptic-P®, Optiprime® and numerous generic preparations
Usages of Combination Antibiotic Eye Medicine for Cats and Dogs
- Combination antibiotic ophthalmic preparations are utilized to treat corneal wounds and ulcers, bacterial conjunctivitis, some types of keratitis, eyelid and blepharitis wounds, as well as dacryocystitis.
- Also, combination products are helpful in managing KCS (keratoconjunctivitis sicca), also referred to as dry eye in dogs.
- In addition, combination products might be used after and before an eye operation.
Side Effects and Precautions
- While usually effective and safe when suggested by a vet, combination antibiotic ophthalmic preparations may produce side effects within some animals.
- Combination antibiotic ophthalmic preparations shouldn’t be utilized in animals that have known allergy or hypersensitivity to the drug.
- Side effects generated by combination products have been primarily linked to the neomycin component. With extended usage, the eye might grow sensitized to the aminoglycoside antibiotic, neomycin. Hypersensitivity responses are more common within the dog and look like significant redness of the conjunctiva, as well as third eyelid. Also, the eyelids might become red and partly depigmented.
- Usage of topical neomycin has to be done cautiously in felines, due to rare reports of anaphylaxis which have occurred after its use.
- Extended usage of any topical antibiotic preparation might predispose an animal to the development of resistance.
- There aren’t any known drug interactions for those preparations, though there isn’t any clinical rationale for using them with one another, or with additional topical ophthalmic antibiotics.
- If several eye medicines are being given to an animal, it’s recommended to separate all solutions from one another by two to three minutes, and in some cases it’s preferable to give drops before an ointment.
How Antibiotic Combination Eye Meds Are Supplied
- Both solutions and ointments are available.
- Ointment is obtainable in 3.5g and 5g tubes. Solution is obtainable in 5 - 10 milliliter bottles.
- The most typical antibiotic concentrations utilized in the ointment preparations are 3.5 mg neomycin, 10,000 units of polymyxin B, and 400 - 500 units of bacitracin zinc. Usual concentrations per ml of solution include 1.75 milligrams neomycin, 0.025 mg gramicidin, and 10,000 units polymyxin B.
Dosing Data of Antibiotic Eye Medicine for Cats and Dogs
- Medicine never should be given without initially consulting the vet.
- The frequency of administration of those antibiotics is dependent on the underlying disease and form of medicine used. Solutions have briefer contact times with the eye and have to be applied more often than ointments. The vet might direct you to apply those medicines anywhere from two to twelve times per day.
- The length of administration depends on the condition being treated, reaction to the medicine, and development of adverse effects. Unless the vet recommends otherwise, be sure to finish the prescription in order to prevent relapse or prevent resistance development.
What Kinds of Dog Breeds and Dogs Have Ears Which Require Special Attention?
Some canines, particularly specific dog breeds, are susceptible to developing infections in the ears. Dogs that have drop ears (the one which hang down like a Labrador Retriever, Basset Hound, or Cocker Spaniel) are more vulnerable to ear infections than canines that have ears which stand upright.
It’s because floppy ears do not get much air flow; therefore, moisture and debris become lodged more easily inside the ear canal, in which it may bloom and fester into a yeast or bacterial infection. A few breeds such as Bichons Frises and Poodles grow hair inside the ear canal, which may further restrict air flow and cause ear infections. Other ear infection causes involve dog mites (pesky parasites which live inside the ears), as well as allergies.
How Often to Clean your Dog’s Ears
If your pet is susceptible to ear infections, regularly cleaning the ears may decrease their frequency. Exactly how frequently you clean the ears depends on the dog. You want to clean them frequently enough to keep infections away, yet not so often that you irritate his ears. Ask the vet how often you ought to clean the dog’s ears. For some canines, you’ll have to clean the ears on a monthly basis. For other canines, you will have to clean the ears on a weekly basis.
If your pet has an ear infection, the vet may direct you to clean the ears daily or every other day when treating the infection using medicine.
Even if your pup does not usually get ear infections, cleaning them as they smell or look dirty is a great idea. A pup’s ears never should smell bad. A bad smell or yeasty odor like bread dough means there is an infection brewing and your pet ought to visit the vet immediately. Other indications of an ear infection include inflamed, red ears; head scratching or shaking at the ears; as well as ear discharge. Dog ear infections may be very painful; therefore, don’t hesitate seeking vet treatment if you think there is an issue. And if your pet cries or yelps as you touch his ears, quickly get to a vet.
Can You/Should You Clean Ears at Home?
If you are nervous about cleaning the canine’s ears yourself, you always could bring him to your groomer or vet instead. Though, it may get very expensive if your pup requires frequent ear cleanings.
Cleaning your pup’s ears at home is simple to do with the correct techniques and supplies. You also could ask the vet technician or vet to show you how to clean your pup’s ears in the office, so you feel more at ease while doing it at home.
How to Clean the Pup’s Ears at Home
- To begin, you’ll need gauze or cotton balls and vet-approved ear cleaner. It’s possible to purchase ear cleaners from the vet, online or at pet-supply stores. Just ensure that you get the veterinarian’s all-clear before you use any product to make sure it is safe and gentle for the canine.
- Cleaning the ears may be messy, particularly if your pup’s ears are very dirty. It is advised to clean the animal’s ears during his bath. If you are cleaning the ears and the dog does not require a bath, it’s possible to wrap a towel around her chest and neck. It’ll keep him from getting ear gunk and ear cleaner all over his fur.
- To clean his ears, squeeze some ear cleaner into his ear and allow it to drip down inside the ear canal. Delicately massage the base of his ear to suds up the cleaner, as well as assist it in breaking down debris and wax. Allow the dog to shake her head (it is possible to lightly drape his head using a towel to keep the gunk from going everywhere).
- Softly wipe the outside ear flap and inside the ear using a cotton gauze square or ball. Wipe as far down as possible, with your finger and the cotton gauze or ball.
- If the dog has an ear infection and requires medicine, apply it after the ears are wiped out and clean.
Why Do Dogs Lick Off Ointment?

The dog doesn’t have an appetite for antibacterial ointment. Licking the wounds is a natural aspect of the dog’s instinctual process of healing. As pet owners, we have to be diligent in observing this behavior as an overabundance of licking may be a bad thing.
The more the dog licks his wounds, the greater the risk of developing an infection. The consistent introduction of moisture and friction which comes from licking is going to keep the sore from properly healing, as cuts require time to scab over and dry up.
Neosporin Safe for Dogs: How to Prevent your Pet from Licking
There are several options to keep your pet from licking, such as keeping the injury covered, or placing your pup in a cone. There also are dog-specific ointments which have an awful smell and taste which will deter the pup from licking.
Dogs Neosporin: How to Prevent Infection
Scabs are a body’s natural bandaging system, as well as a great method of keeping infection out of the body. As a scab forms, the necessity for topical remedies decreases significantly. The time to use a topical ointment which battles infection is while the abrasion is still open and fresh.
Does Neosporin Work on Canines
Neosporin works for your pet in the sense that it’ll prevent bacterial infection. But, Neosporin can’t defend against possibly harmful microbes such as viruses and fungus which he’s exposed to daily.
Neosporin: Are There Alternatives?
Vetericyn: it’s an antimicrobial ointment which assists in preventing infections in canines, the exact same way Neosporin aids in preventing infection in human beings. The difference is that it’s especially formulated for dogs.
How do antimicrobials differ from antibiotics?
As we’ve already established, Neosporin’s an antibiotic, which means it just prevents bacterial infection. An antimicrobial solution, such as Veterycin, is a broader step which prevents contamination from fungi, viruses, and bacteria.
Can I Hope the Cut Just Heals on its Own?
Open wounds of any kind are invitations for infections, particularly if they go untreated. While small scrapes and cuts certainly can go untreated and be okay, using the service of an antimicrobial never is a bad idea.
Should you Use Bandages?
For small scrapes and cuts in which a topical ointment might be warranted yet bandages typically are just overkill. Keep in mind, you want the scrape or cut to have the ability to breathe, as well as scab to heal. If the injury seems like it requires a bandage, it’s likely time to visit a vet.
Remember, we only are talking about small cuts and scrapes here. If the dog has a serious wound, it’s critical that you take him to the animal ER or vet as soon as possible. Topical ointments and sprays won’t be effective against more substantial injuries.
In Summary
If you’ve ever wondered, “Should I use Neosporin on my pet”, the answer is complicated. There’s a ton of details in this post about choices for minor health care, yet the fact is that you have to use your best judgment. While Neosporin may be used on canines in a pinch, it’s better not to use it at all, and absolutely not for any type of prolonged period. There are endless options as it’ll come to topical care for your pet’s wound; therefore, better to avoid the Neosporin and use a product specifically developed for your pet.
Is Neosporin Safe for Dogs?Can You Use Neosporin on Dogs?
Neosporin For Dogs
How to Clean and Treat Dog Wounds at Home
Is Neosporin Safe for Dogs?